This time to Mississippi. Yes, you read correctly, Mississippi. Don't worry, I can hardly believe it myself. :)
Rushing just accepted a job as Student Director at a church in a town right outside Jackson. We are really excited about this new road we are going to be traveling down. He will be working full time and still attending seminary through extension courses taught at the church. The church will be paying for those classes, so that's pretty exciting.
I am pretty excited about this move. It will be wonderful to be involved in a church again and to be working with teens and hopefully children too. This will be the first time ever that Rushing will be able to work full-time as a youth minister and he is sooo pumped about it!!
Right now, we are still looking for a place to live but will hopefully have that nailed down by the time the weekend is over. We found a nice apartment, but it's a little we are (well I am) hoping to find something equally as nice for not so much money...but we'll see. The crazy thing is...we are moving NEXT THURSDAY. Yes, as in a week from yesterday.
I have made my packing checklist, every day has a room/area to be packed, I have a schedule and I have boxes...probably not enough, but I have some. I have even started packing...I have a total of 3 boxes ready. Three. Gee, I have a long week ahead. :)
Be praying for us and we will totally keep everyone updated...that is if anyone actually reads this thing. :)
I read! and I'm so excited that you are excited! As soon as you get moved (or figure out what your address is) let me know, I have something to send to you! I love you, cousin & you are always on my mind! <3